Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ahh...What do I do?

Well, school begins again on Monday. Tuesday is my first Media Internship class. I have not contacted anyone or any organization about possibly doing an internship. I'm really nervous that all the "good ones" are going to be filled. I wanted to try for the Audubon Ins. but it's really competitive and I'm behind in the game! So, I am just beginning to research more places I can possibly apply to. 
On a second note, this is my last semester! That is so crazy to me. I've never actually had a full time job. I've always worked part-time and attended classes. I guess I'm just getting scared about the near future and the decisions that go along with it!
Ill post again, if any good news or results occur. 

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Why Have A Car Alarm?

Between 11:30PM and 2:30AM my brother's tire was stolen from his semi brand new car. The car was parked right in front the house on the street, because where we live, drive ways don't exist. The car was left on the jack, and the entire front driver's side tire was gone. But no alarm sounded. Apparently, alarms are just for broken windows. Good to know. Doesn't make sense to pay for the car alarm. If the window breaks or if someone breaks it, then insurance covers it. My brother would have been better off if the entire car was stolen!
Grrrr to some things huh?!